Arpith Chacko Jacob - since 1982...

Archives for: November 2004

  Mobile Robotics - Path Planning

November 11, 2004  

Continuing on, on my Mobile Robotics assignment, in the current lab we use simple path planning techniques to get from point A to point B.

Using a map built by exploring a world (as mentioned in the previous article) the code plans a path (not necessarily optimal) from the starting position to the goal position.

The "wavefront" path planning algorithm is simple, but quite effective. It is able to find a path through free space, avoiding obstacles and all locations not explored as yet.

Mobile Robotics - Path Planning in the simple world

Mobile Robotics - Path Planning in the complex world

Notice how the path planned "hugs" the wall. This is a consequence of the simplicity of the path planning algorithm and will cause undesired (duh!) collision with obstacles. We can however get over this problem very easily by "growing" the obstacles by the size of the robot.

In the following images, the obstacles are "grown" by a few cells (the areas marked in light pink) before planning is done. This guarantees a safe path that the robot can take.

Mobile Robotics - Path Planning (C-space) in the simple world

Mobile Robotics - Path Planning (C-space) in the complex world